Favorite African-American Children’s Books

Below you’ll find our collection of favorite children’s books about African-Americans history and present-day reality.

Children’s books about social justice, non-violent change, and African-American history.

I believe in peaceful change. Change through books and knowledge. Through education.

The books you’ll find below are the ones I love the most and would recommend for young readers and their parents. Our son (now 11 y.o.) knew all of them and was deeply surprised and touched (me as well). Some of them about events that happened in the past century and century before that. Some events happened not so long ago.


Favorite books for young adults/adults about African-Americans history and present-day.

Below are my favorite books about African-Americans history and present-day reality. Jefferson’s Sons touched my heart most of all. I would reread it again and again. I’m recommending it to all my friends.

“Life in motion” is a real story that is going on right now. Brilliant biography about present-day Prima ballerina, ballet prodigy, a late bloomer.

“The hate you give” was hard for me to read, but I’m glad I found this book. Recommend as well!

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